Creating Portraits That Take Your Breath Away!

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Santa Portraits

I will be at the Flagler Humane Society on Nov. 12th from 10am to 4pm taking pictures of your pets or children with Santa! I will bring my sleigh and a beautiful night time backdrop. This is your chance to gt one on my beautiful Christmas portraits for only a $25 donation to the Flagler humane Society. It will be a first come first served. There will be lots to do there, so come join us and help out the animals!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Always Learning!

I guess you can never learn too much.... I'm really learning a bunch about the new technologies that are out there. The younger generation can run circles around me I know! LOL    By the time I come close to thinking I know what I need to know, the world adds more to it.  

Have you seen the little digital looking squares in advertisements? Well if you have a cell phone App that allows you to scan them, they will automatically send you to that company's website or add their business contact information into their phone with a couple of clicks! This works great when you want to save the information to contact them later. This is sooo sooo cool!!!  I added some on my blog and tried them out.. this sure beats typing in the information manually.  

If you are a business owner and want information on how to get these for your business, send me an e-mail and I will help you out. They are FREE and I don't make anything for helping you… I just want to help my fellow business owners!

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I'm in a business name transition from Elizabeth Carol Originals to Elizabeth Carol Photography. It's been a hard decision, but one that is much needed. I've had countless people look at my work and wanting to purchase it as artwork and not realizing I am a photographer. Yes, photography is Art! But I don't sell my clients portraits to the public for use on their walls. I'm hoping the this transition will go smoothly and everyone will understand that I am happy to create beautiful works of art of their own family to hang on their walls. I'm guessing this transition will be complete in about two years.

Thank you for all your support and understanding,